How to Draw Popeye
Get ready to flex your artistic muscles as you learn how to draw Popeye, the spinach-loving sailor man. In this step-by-step tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a strong and memorable Popeye drawing that captures his distinctive look. So, get anchored to your chair and let’s start drawing the iconic Popeye.

Materials Needed:
Perfect For:
How to Draw Popeye
- Draw a big circle for his head, and a smaller circle below it for his body.
- Add two curved lines on either side of the smaller circle for his arms.
- Draw his hat by creating a rectangle on top of his head with two circles on either side.
- Draw his face by adding two circles for his eyes, a squiggly line for his nose, and a half-circle for his mouth.
- Add details to his outfit by drawing a curved line for his collar, a rectangle for his belt buckle, and curved lines for his pants.
Easy Popeye Drawing for Kids – Step by Step Tutorial
Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Step 8

Step 9

Step 10

Step 11

Step 12

Step 13

Step 14

Step 15

Step 16

Step 17

Step 18

Well done! We’ve reached the end of this tutorial on how to draw popeye. Now you can go ahead and add some colors to bring Popeye to life on your piece of paper. Remember to share your amazing creations with family and friends, showcasing your newfound talent in drawing Popeye.

👇 Don’t Forget to Check Other Characters from Popeye 👇
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About Popeye
Popeyehow to draw popeye is a tough and muscular sailor who loves to eat spinach and fight bad guys. He’s a bit of a rough-around-the-edges type, but he’s also brave and loyal to his friends.