How to Draw a Strawberry

Prepare for an artistic adventure as you learn how to draw a strawberry, a popular fruit known for its delightful taste and heart-shaped appearance. This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a beautiful strawberry drawing that you can cherish. Designed for beginners, we’ll help you every step of the way, making the experience enjoyable and rewarding.

fd-how to draw a strawberry

Materials Needed:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Coloring Supplies

Perfect For:

  • Kids
  • Newbies

How to Draw a Strawberry

Easy Strawberry Drawing for Kids – Step by Step Tutorial

First, draw the first line as a guide.

how to draw a strawberry step 1

Next, start shaping the strawberry.

how to draw a strawberry step 2

Draw the same shape but at the opposite angle.

how to draw a strawberry step 3

Connect the two shapes to close the overall form of the strawberry.

how to draw a strawberry step 4

Now, add a curved line for the first sepal (leaf)

how to draw a strawberry step 5

Finish off the first sepal with another curved line.

how to draw a strawberry step 6

Draw the second sepal.

how to draw a strawberry step 7

Now, draw the 3rd and 4th sepals.

how to draw a strawberry step 8

Finally, add little rounded shapes to represent the achenes of the strawberry. And also, the stem of the fruit.

how to draw a strawberry step 9

We’ve reached the end of this tutorial on how to draw a strawberry. Your final sketch should like the image on the right. Now you can add some colors to make your drawing more realistic.

fs-how to draw a strawberry

👇 Don’t Forget to Check Other Fruits of the Berry Family 👇

Want More Food Drawing Tutorials?

About the Strawberry

A strawberry is a small, sweet, and juicy fruit that is bright red in color.

It has a green stem and leaves on top, and little seeds on the outside.

People eat strawberries in a variety of ways, like sliced on top of cereal or yogurt, blended into smoothies, or made into jam.

They’re also a healthy food because they have vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants that are good for your body.