How to Draw a Raspberry
Join us in learning how to draw a raspberry, a small but flavorful fruit known for its rich color and delightful taste. This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a detailed raspberry drawing, making it enjoyable and easy for beginners. So, grab your drawing tools, and let’s start bringing your raspberry to life!

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How to Draw a Raspberry
Easy Raspberry Drawing for Kids – Step by Step Tutorial
Let’s start with the first part of the peduncle.

Start by depicting the sepal of the raspberry.

Gradually continue to form the sepal of the fruit.

Now draw a rounded shape to form the first drupelet of the raspberry.

Continue with the other drupelets.

Again, draw the other drupelets.

Now, draw the second row of drupelets.

And, the third row of drupelets.

Now, the fourth row of drupelets of the raspberry.

Finally, the last row of drupelets and your raspberry is complete.

Yayyy Kid! Now you know how to draw a raspberry, this delectable fruit, famous for its vibrant color and delicious flavor. Keep practicing and refining your drawing skills, and you’ll be able to create even more exquisite raspberry drawings. Don’t forget to share your artwork with your friends and family, so they can admire your new talent!

👇 Don’t Forget to Check Other Fruits of the Berry Family 👇
- How to Draw a Blueberry
- How to Draw a Strawberry
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About the Raspberry
A raspberry is a tiny, juicy fruit that grows on a bush. It has a sweet and tangy taste, and it’s a bright red color. People often eat raspberries by themselves or in things like cakes and jams.
They’re also a healthy snack because they have vitamins and antioxidants that are good for your body.