How to Draw a Donkey

Hello kids! Do you find donkeys endearing with their big ears and gentle personalities? If so, let’s learn how to draw a donkey together!

These hardworking, friendly animals are both fun and rewarding to draw.

In this tutorial, we’ll guide you step by step to create a lovely donkey drawing that showcases their charm and character.

So, gather your art supplies, and let’s embark on a hee-haw-some drawing adventure!

final drawing-how to draw a donkey

Materials Needed:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Coloring Supplies

Perfect For:

  • Kids
  • Newbies

How to Draw a Donkey

Easy Donkey Drawing for Kids – Step by Step Tutorial

Step 1 – First, draw a small circle for the donkey’s eyes and shape its head.

how to draw a donkey step 1

Step 2 – Make the outline of the donkey’s ears.

how to draw a donkey step 2

Step 3 – Add two lines to form the animal’s neck.

how to draw a donkey step 3

Step 4 – Sketch the shape of the donkey’s forelimb.

how to draw a donkey step 4

Step 5 – Depict the animal’s belly and hindquarters.

how to draw a donkey step 5

Step 6 – Next, form the donkey’s hindlimb.

how to draw a donkey step 6

Step 7 – Draw the animal’s feet.

how to draw a donkey step 7

Step 8 – Finally, add the donkey’s mane and tail.

how to draw a donkey step 8

Fantastic job, kids! You’ve learned how to draw a donkey and created a heartwarming artwork that truly captures their spirit.

final sketch-how to draw a donkey

Oh! Don’t forget to share your delightful donkey creation with your friends and family, and always remember to have a bray-lliant time while drawing!

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About the Donkey

Donkeys are four-legged animals that are similar to horses, but smaller and with longer ears. They have a reputation for being stubborn, but they are also very strong and hardworking.

Donkeys are used for many jobs, like carrying heavy loads and helping to plow fields. They are also kept as pets and used for riding and for showing in competitions. Donkeys are herbivores, which means they only eat plants, and they love to eat grass, hay, and grains.

They are social animals and love to live with other donkeys or horses. They are often seen in stories, like the story of the Donkey and the Carrot, where a donkey refuses to move unless he is given a carrot to eat.