How to Draw a Cobra
The cobra is a venomous reptile known for its iconic hood and deadly bite. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to draw a cobra step-by-step, highlighting its distinctive features such as its forked tongue and intricate markings. You’ll learn about the different types of cobras and their unique characteristics, such as their hissing sounds and aggressive behavior. So grab your pencils and get ready to draw a cobra that will make your friends and family shiver with fear (in a good way).

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How to Draw a Cobra
- Begin your cobra drawing with a small oval for its head.
- Sketch a long, wavy line for the cobra’s body, with the upper part of the body rising in a curve to form the hood.
- Draw two large, oval eyes on the head, with a small, curved line for the mouth.
- Add a series of small, curved lines along the hood’s edge to create the cobra’s pattern.
- Create a forked tongue by drawing two thin lines extending from the mouth.
- Draw the snake’s body coiling on the ground, using a wavy line that doubles back on itself.
- Complete your drawing by adding details, such as shading or additional lines, and color your cobra using shades of brown, tan, and black.
Easy Cobra Drawing for Kids – Step by Step Tutorial

We hope you’ve found this tutorial on how to draw a cobra, a fun and creative experience.
Now add some colors to make your cobra lively and realistic on your paper.
Oh! Don’t forget to show off your masterpiece!

👇 Don’t Forget to Check Other Animals of the Reptile Family 👇
- How to Draw a Python
- How to Draw an Alligator
- How to Draw a Gecko
- How to Draw a Chameleon
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About the Cobra
A cobra is a type of venomous snake that is found in Asia and Africa. Cobras are known for their hood, which they spread when they are threatened, and their ability to “stand up” and look tall and intimidating. Cobras are dangerous to humans and other animals, and their bite can be fatal if not treated quickly.