How to Draw a Bagel

Let’s hop on an artistic journey as you learn how to draw a bagel, a delicious and chewy bread known for its ring shape and dense texture. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating a fantastic bagel drawing that you can be proud of to show to all your friends and family. Ready to embark on this little “bagely” adventure?

fd-how to draw a bagel

Materials Needed:

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Coloring Supplies

Perfect For:

  • Kids
  • Newbies

How to Draw a Bagel

Easy Bagel Drawing for Kids – Step by Step Tutorial

Let’s draw a first circle that represents the hole in a bagel.

how to draw a bagel step 1

Now, draw a larger circle.

how to draw a bagel step 2

Draw this wavy shape to represent the lettuce in a bagel.

how to draw a bagel step 3

Draw a semi-circle to show the back of the bagel.

how to draw a bagel step 4

Draw these triangular shapes to show the fillings of the bagel (cheese).

how to draw a bagel step 5

Now add some tiny circles to represent sesame seeds on a bagel.

how to draw a bagel step 6

We’ve reached the end of this tutorial on how to draw a bagel. Your final sketch should look like the image on the right. Now you can add some colors to make your drawing more realistic. Keep practicing to create even more captivating bagel illustrations.

fs-how to draw a bagel

👇 Don’t forget to check other yummy fast foods 👇

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About the Bagel

A bagel is a round, chewy treat that’s like a big donut hole! But instead of being filled with sugary sweetness, bagels are often topped with things like sesame seeds, poppy seeds, or even garlic and salt.

You can eat them plain or with cream cheese, peanut butter, or jelly. They make a yummy breakfast or snack and are great for a quick bite on the go!

Just imagine biting into a warm, soft, chewy bagel that’s packed with flavor, it’s almost like a big hug for your taste buds!